The Color of Paradise

The Color of Paradise Persian , Range Khod, literally The Color of God, is a 1999 Iranian film directed by Majid Majidi.

Fearing his bridetobes family will learn of Mohammed, his father takes him away and leaves him with a blind carpenter who agrees to make him an apprentice. The blind carpenter mentors the boy, who wants to see God. Mohammad says God does not love him and thus made him blind and tells him about how his teacher told him that God loves them more as they are blind, but then asks why God should make him blind if he loves him more. He also tells him that he wanted to be able to see God, to which his teacher had said that God is everywhere and that you can also feel God. The carpenter then just says that he agrees with his teacher and walks away, possibly affected by the boys words, as he himself is blind.Mohammeds grandmother is heartbroken when she realizes that Hashem Mohammeds father has given him away to a blind carpenter and she falls ill. She leaves the family home but Hashem tries to convince her to stay back, questioning his destiny, wondering why he lost his father as a young boy, asking why God has taken away his wife and cursed him with a blind boy, and asking his mother what she did for him. Mohammeds grandmother faints on her way so Hashem carries her back home. Eventually Mohammeds grandmother dies. The brides family sees this as a bad omen and the wedding is called off. ........

Source: Wikipedia